Youtube to MP3 Converter

What is YtMp3?

YtMp3 is a free online tool that allows users to convert and download audio from YouTube videos as MP3 files. It extracts the audio directly from a YouTube video URL and saves it as an MP3 audio file on your computer or mobile device.

With YtMp3, you can download the audio portion of any YouTube video without having to use an external video converter. This makes it easy to listen to your favorite YouTube music, podcasts, audiobooks and more in the MP3 format so you can play them on your phone, MP3 player or computer.

The website is simple and easy to use. Just copy and paste a YouTube video URL into the YtMp3 converter, choose your preferred audio quality and settings, and download the converted audio file. The audio extraction process happens online, so you don't need to install any software to use YtMp3.

In summary, YtMp3 provides a quick and convenient way to extract and save just the audio track from YouTube videos as MP3 files. It allows you to listen to YouTube audio offline at your leisure.

Features of YTMP3

Free to Use: YTMP3 is typically offered as a free service, which appeals to a wide user base.
No Software Installation Required: Operates entirely online, removing the need to download and install any additional software.
User-friendly Interface: The platform has a straightforward design that is easy for anyone to navigate.
Fast Conversion: Speedy processing that converts videos to MP3 format in a matter of moments.
Supports Various Output Formats: Besides MP3, also supports MP4 video formats.
No Registration Required: Users can access the service without having to create an account, making the process quicker and more private.
Mobile-friendly: Fully accessible on mobile devices, allowing conversions on the go.
High-Quality Audio Output: Delivers high-quality audio files up to the highest available audio quality of the original video.

Benefits of YTMP3

Convenience: Convert videos from YouTube to MP3 format from anywhere at any time without any hassle.
Saves Time: Quickly converts video to audio so users can access their preferred content more efficiently.
Accessibility of Content: Enables users to listen to video content offline, which is particularly useful for those with limited internet access.
Resource-saving: Listening to audio files requires less battery and data compared to streaming videos, which is beneficial for mobile use.
Space-saving: Audio files are generally smaller than video files, which helps save storage space on devices.
Privacy: No need to sign up or provide personal information, offering a level of anonymity.
Versatility: Useful for a variety of users, from those who want music on the go to professionals who need talks and lectures in audio form.

How do I use YtMp3?

Using YtMp3 to download YouTube videos is very straightforward. Here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Go to YouTube and find the video you want to download. Copy the video URL from the address bar.
2. Go to and paste the YouTube URL into the search bar.
3. Under the search bar, you will see available formats to download like MP3 or MP4, and choose one.
4. Press enter or click the convert button. This will take you to the download page on YtMp3.
5. Click on the download button and quality you want. This will start the download immediately.
6. The file will download to your default download location. Make sure to move it to the desired folder on your computer.
7. Once the download is complete, you can play the audio or video file on any compatible media player.

That's it! The process is very quick and easy. YtMp3 allows unlimited downloads so you can convert as many YouTube videos as you want. Just copy the URL, paste it on YtMp3, and get the audio or video file you need.